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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lack of Diversity in Fashion


When someone thinks of beautiful women of color they may reflect big lips, “good” hair, curvy and tight jeans. They also think of a big booty and a smaller chest, primarily. They usually have a more eccentric style, which by some, may be considered ‘ghetto’.
For which reason do some designers choose to not expose models of color in their clothes is the inquiry. Currently, most models are lighter skinned, smaller in the bust and waist, and have less exotic facial features.
Although this may be considered beautiful to anyone, why is this the stereotypical standard of beauty?
Naomi Campbell in particular has been more scathing, even contemplating setting up her own modeling agency to cater for her peers.
“There is a lack of women of color with the fashion industry which needs to be addressed. It is important for the agents, managers, advertisers, and designers who are promoting change to speak out. We are not here to complain, we need to find a solution,” Campbell said in 2008’s New African.
“Paris Hilton is a classic example. I’m horrified. Who is she? Is she an actress, a model, a designer, does she write? What exactly is her talent? She’s on the cover of everything because she did 20 something days in jail,” said Renee C. Hunter, who teaches fashion merchandising at New York’s F.I.T.  in September 2007’s Ebony, who is of African-American and Native-American descent. “We don’t have a Paris Hilton.”
Flor Montero, 19, a University of Bridgeport fashion merchandising student thinks that the fashion industry is becoming more diverse now more than ever.
“Since the fashion industry is very competitive, I feel that the designers should bring something that’s fresh, and not just their clothing or apparel, but the models as well,” says Montero, “So by giving it a ‘twist’ you bring in people from different cultures and different sizes. As a buyer, I would like to see more of a variety [in terms of models] from the designers.”
Montero is definitely a huge fan of colored women and plus sized women because she says that they feel comfortable in their own skin, and they accept who they are. “They show that they are capable of looking just as good as a skinny girl.”

1 comment:

  1. I love your post and blog as a WHOLE! Just as fashion is evolving your ideas are as well. <3 RiRi!!!
