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Sunday, February 6, 2011


Kanye Vs. Rihanna

Kanye goes for the SOPHISTICATED look in the "Penguin Tux" which is actually something unique for him...Sophisticated Mr. West. Wow...I like it. Plus his pearly WHITE teeth match the undershirt. Gooooooood Job  Mr. West.
Ms. You are a bad bizzzzzitCH. You take a MEN'S tuxedo, add a feminine touch (heels, shorter pants, and ruffled sleeves) and still LOOK BETTER THAN Janelle MonĂ¡e .. iLove you Rih Rih.

Johnny Vs. Keira
JOHNNY are looking good...47 year old self!!! MMMM.. but anyway..back to reality. :) I love how you paired the striped button down with the black blazer and the indigo scarf.. You make it look effortless. and of course Mr. Depp must must MUST have the hat. This = Smiles
Ms. Knightley I love your style but I would rather the scarf to be a Deep Maroon.. Which would go wonderful with the beige, brown and creme...that would have made the look much better than the animal print. However, I do enjoy the look. I just feel that the color suggested would be better. :)

Chace Vs. Ciara

I know this doesn't really relate to fashion as much as beauty, but HEY ITS MY BLOG. lol. Like Nicki Minaj says, "I Can do what I pleases..." but yeah I am so feeling Ciara and her choice to go "short." She is totally beautiful. Ciara, you are gorgeous. Chace Crawford, from Gossip Girl, doesn't  look half bad either, looking preppy with a little messy. I appreciate the look but it is a little boring, a change wouldn't hurt.

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